Flag Retirement Box

boy scouts

Thanks to Mason East and the Eagle Scout project, the city now has a flag retirement box inside city hall. Citizens are welcome to bring their US flags that need to be properly disposed of and place them in the box.  

BSA Troop 95 will be stopping by at least a couple times a year to collect the flags from the flag retirement box. They hold 2 official flag retirement ceremonies each year where they properly retire and dispose of USA Flags.

According to the National Flag Foundation, a flag may be mended when torn and cleaned when dirty. If mended it should not be hemmed (shortened) to the point where its measurements are no longer in proportion. Even though you’ve cared for your American flag, there will come a time to retire Old Glory.

The United States Flag Code states: "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”